Ruth Ho : "Baba-Nyonya Dress"

"The Woman also adapted the Malay dress. When my grandmother went out, she wore the sarung and baju nyonya panjang or loose jacket which reached down to her knees which was fastened in front with gold kerongsang... a large handkerchief would always be flung over her face on a hot day"

Petikan "Rainbow Round My Shoulder"
Ruth Ho 1980

Traditional Nyonya Sarong

Step Pertama

Step kedua

Step ketiga

Step keempat

2 ulasan:

nabilah_2908 berkata...

hingga masih lagi tak pandai pakai kain batik...ikatan tu asik terbuka jer...hehehe... :)

mamamin berkata...

wah.. sgt menarik..
salam kenal dan juga salam ziarah..
